Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How can Twitter Benefit your PR company?

Before getting into how to actually market a company and get a brand message delivered via Twitter, I would like to address some of the ways a PR company can use Twitter to help assess how their clients are being received in Twitter nation ( this would be useful for PR corporations that deal with more prominent brands).

Microsoft's very own PR agency, Waggener Edstrom, created a Twitter application that not only tracks when and how often a brand is tweet referenced, but the general feeling that is being elicited from those commentaries.

The tool is called Twendz and it provides you with a generalized summary of how product, idea or event is being received over time. It is free to use online at http://twendz.waggeneredstrom.com/

I suggest to simply give it a try. Submit the name of a current movie, technology, book, etc and you will see a thread of real time commentaries that are being filtered through the system based on your submission.

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